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发布时间:2017-07-19     点击数量:








E-mailjgwang@cumt.edu.cn; nuswjg@yahoo.com


王建国, 1962年生,四川广安人,博士后,教授,博士生导师。江苏省“双创(外国院士)团队”核心成员。博士毕业后先后在新加坡国立大学和澳大利亚的西澳大学长期就职,20149月全职加入中国矿业大学。英国剑桥大学、中国科学院力学研究所等高级访问学者。主要从事径向基无单元法,防护工程,非常规油气藏开采(主要针对煤层气和页岩气)数值模拟,和二氧化碳地下存储等方面的科学研究和教学工作。主持和参加包括国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点、国家自然科学基金面上项目、新加坡和澳大利亚科学基金和企业委托项目等10多项,任10多国际杂志论文评审专家。第一个将多尺度均质化法应用于非线性岩土力学及孔隙介质渗透力学;创建基于径向基的点插值无单元法理论及算法,并成功应用于固体力学,海床液化和软组织生物力学问题;提出时间和空间多尺度的裂隙岩体渗流理论,并正在开发无水压裂技术和地层微热力致裂体积处理新技术。至今已发表SCI收录论文近100余篇,其中一篇论文已达463次引用(2017623日查Web of Science),并两次获SCI高引用率论文奖。开发的Mfree2D 获新加坡CrayQest2000 银奖


1979.09-1984.07清华大学 本科

1984.09-1987.06清华大学 硕士

1993.01-1996.03日本名古屋大学 博士


1.1987.08-1992.12 重庆大学工程力学系讲师

2.1996.04-1997.12 新加坡国立大学土木工程系博士后

3.1997.07-1997.08 英国剑桥大学工程系访问研究员

4.1998.01-1999.05 (新加坡)BBR地基工程公司设计工程师

5.1999.06-2001.05 新加坡高速计算研究院高级(研究)工程师

6.2001.07-2009.02 新加坡国立大学防护技术中心 研究科学家

7.2009.02-2012.02 澳大利亚西澳大学 助理教授

8.2012.02-2014.08 澳大利亚西澳大学 副教授

9.2014.09-至今 澳门太阳集团城9728、深部岩土国家重点实验室教授






20121-201412月,主持澳大利亚的‘ANLEC R&D 项目”CarbonNet dynamic seal capacity”;

20091-200912月,西澳大学合作研究奖:”Maximize research impact through a focused study on CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recovery” (第二名,共两人);

20091-201212月,主持新加坡国防科技局项目:”Blast-induced liquefaction potential of reclaimed land ”;

20071-200812月,主持新加坡国防科技局-国大联合基金项目:”Review and calibration of ground shock mitigation approaches for local geological media ”;

20061-200712月,主持新加坡国防科技局-国大联合基金项目:”Assessment of expanded polystyrene (EPS) soft porous layer for mitigation of ground shock ”;

20051-200912月,主持新加坡国防科技局项目:”Innovative migrating technology of blast-induced ground shock with porous media”;

20011-200512月,主研并主持新加坡国防科技局项目:”Simulation of mine burial into soil due to wave loading”;

19996-20015月,主研新加坡A*Star基金项目:”Development of element-free methods for structural analysis”;



1. “江苏省双创团队(外国院士团队)核心成员”,(项目编号:2014-27)


2012-2013年,第二主持,Pressure drop / profile near a CBM wellbore. QGC Company

2009-2012年,第二主持,'Supercritical CO2-CH4 displacement in tight gas reservoirs (numerical simulations). Shell Corporation (Australia)



1A point interpolation meshless method based on radial basis functions. Int. J for Numerical Methods in Engineering; 2002. 54(11):1623-1648 (SCI Citations: 463)

2On the optimal shape parameters of radial basis functions used for 2-D meshless methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; 2002. 191(23-24):2611-2630. (SCI Citations: 250)

3Numerical analysis of Biots consolidation process by radial point interpolation method. Int. J of Solids and Structures; 2002.39(6):1557-1573. (SCI Citations: 116)

4Numerical simulation of geofluid focusing and penetration due to hydraulic fracture. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2010. 106:211-218 (SCI Citations: 11)

5Impact of transition from local swelling to macro swelling on the evolution of coal permeability. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011. 88(1):31-40. (SCI Citations: 39)

6Effect of non-Darcy flow on the performance of coal seam gas wells. International Journal for Coal Geology, 2012. 93(1):62-74 (SCI Citations: 30)

7Combined effects of directional compaction, non-Darcy flow and anisotropic swelling on coal seam gas extraction. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2013.109-110:1-14 (SCI Citations: 27)

8Numerical modeling for the combined effects of two-phase flow, deformation, gas diffusion and CO2 sorption on caprock sealing efficiency. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014. 144:154-167 (SCI Citations: 9)

9Effect of CO2 anisotropic sorption and swelling on caprock sealing efficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015. 103:685-695 (SCI Citations: 8)

10A simple approach for the estimation of CO2 penetration depth into a caprock layer. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2016. 8(1):75-86 (Citations: 4, not SCI yet)

11A thermally sensitive permeability model for coal-gas interactions including thermal fracturing and volatilization. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016. 32:319-333 (SCI Citations: 2)

12Impact of water film evaporation on gas transport property in fractured wet coal seams. Transport in Porous Media, 2016.113:357-382 (SCI Citations: 3)

13Complex thermal coal gas interactions in heat injection enhanced CBM recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016. 34:1174-1190 (SCI Citations: 0)

14Flow consistency between non-Darcy flow in fracture network and nonlinear diffusion in matrix to gas production rate in fractured shale gas reservoirs. Transport in Porous Media, 2016. 111:97-121 (SCI Citations: 3)

15Impact of micro- and macro-scale consistent flows on well performance in fractured shale gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016.36(B):1239-1252 (SCI Citations: 0)

16Impact of micro-scale heterogeneity on gas diffusivity of organic-rich shale matrix. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017. 45:75-87 (SCI Citations: 0)

17Impact of water and nitrogen fracturing fluids on fracturing initiation pressure and flow pattern in anisotropic shale reservoirs. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017. 81:59-76 (SCI Citations: 1)

18Impact of water, nitrogen and CO2 fracturing fluids on fracturing initiation pressure and flow pattern in anisotropic shale reservoirs, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017. 45:291-305 (SCI Citations: 0)

19Cyclic direct shear behaviors of frozen soil-structure interface under constant normal stiffness condition. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2014. 102:52-62 (SCI Citations: 2)

20Cyclic direct shear behaviors of an artificial frozen soil-structure interface under constant normal stress and sub-zero temperature. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2017. 133:70-81 (SCI Citations: 0).


1Micro-scale modeling of gas-coal interaction in coalbed seam  Heterogeneity effect. CO2 Storage in Carboniferous Formations and Abandoned Coal Mines, He, Ribeiro E Sousa, Elsworth & Vargas Jr. (eds), 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp.95-1052012

2Cracking pattern of shale reservoirs by water, CO2 and nitrogen fracturing. Advances in Computational Engineering Science (ACES), ScienTech Publisher, 2017.


(1) Spatial and temporal multi-scale behaviors in unconventional gas extraction2nd International Workshop on Unconventional THMC Processes,中国,武汉,20141125-26

(2) Numerical modeling for caprock sealing efficiency in CO2 geological storages,东北大学岩石力学前沿论坛(第一期),中国,沈阳,201514-6

(3) Impact of water and gas fracturing fluids on fracturing initiation pressure and flow pattern in anisotropic shale reservoirsThird International Symposium on Unconventional Geomechanics,中国,武汉,2016520-22日。

(4) Impact of micro-scale heterogeneity on gas diffusivity of organic-rich shale matrixInternational Symposium on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ISHMM-2016),中国,重庆,201668-10日。





1.2000年,Mfree2D won CrayQest2000 Silver award (2000), Singapore

2.2005年,SCI highly cited article (top 1% within its field)

3.2007年,SCI highly cited article (top 1% within its field)

4. 2005-2012 Two articles in highly cited papers for National University of Singapore