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姜健,19841月生,教授,博士生导师,建工系主任。入选国家重大人才工程青年项目,江苏特聘教授,中国矿业大学攀登学者。英国爱丁堡大学获得博士学位,曾任美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)客座研究员。主要从事钢结构及钢-混凝土组合结构的抗火理论与设计方法研究、结构抗连续性倒塌、重大基础设施防灾、地下氢气储能等研究。现兼任中国建筑金属结构协会铝结构分会理事、中国建筑学会抗火专业委员会委员、江苏省地震学会地震工程专业委员会秘书长,担任国际期刊《Concepts in Civil Engineering and Architecture》副主编,《Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering》、《Research on Engineering Structures and Materials》、《工程抗震与加固改造》等编委。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金项目、国家自然科学基金重大仪器项目子课题、国家消防救援局重点研发项目等10余项,研究成果获中国钢结构协会创新人才奖1项、江苏省科学技术二等奖1项、德国纽伦堡国际发明展览会金奖。发表高水平学术论文90余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Structural Engineering》、《建筑结构学报》、《土木工程学报》等顶级期刊发表SCI/EI论文50余篇,出版中英文学术著作各1部,参与编写国家标准《建筑钢结构防火技术规范》、CECS标准《民用建筑防爆设计标准》等行业标准4部。


2002.09 - 2006.06 天津大学 本科

2006.09 - 2009.06 同济大学 硕士

2009.09 - 2012.10 英国爱丁堡大学 博士


2012.11 - 2014.11 同济大学 建筑工程系 博士后

2015.02 - 2019.02 美国国家标准与技术研究院 客座研究员

National Institute of Standards and TechnologyGuest Researcher

2019.04 - 至今 中国矿业大学 澳门太阳集团城9728 教授


国家自然科学基金面上项目,考虑火灾蔓延和降温影响的高层钢框架结构连续倒塌机理与设计理论研究(52078478)2021.01-2024.12 (主持)

国家自然科学基金青年基金,火灾下高层建筑钢框架结构连续性倒塌的模式与设计方法研究(51408418)2015.01-2017.12 (主持)




公安部消防局重点攻关项目,《火灾中典型建筑倒塌预测预警技术研究》子课题 “火灾条件下大跨度钢结构的结构稳定性与倒塌行为模拟分析研究(2015XXGG06)2015.12-2017.7(参与)








Y.F. Cao, Y.L. Lu, J. Jiang*, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2024) Experimental Study on Behavior of Top-and-seat-angle with Double Web-angle (TSDW) Connections under Fire Conditions. Thin-Walled Structures, 194: 111304. (SCI)

Y.F. Cao, J. Jiang*, Y.L. Lu, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2023) Progressive collapse of steel structures exposed to fire: A critical review. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 207: 107985. (SCI)

Y.L. Lu, J. Jiang*, Q.J. Zhang, W.Y. Cai, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2023) Experimental and numerical investigation on mechanical behavior of Q355 steel and connections in fire conditions, Engineering Structures, 281:115765. (SCI)

陈桥,姜健*,蔡文玉,杨卫明,陈伟,叶继红. (2023) 火灾全过程下10.9级高强螺栓断裂性能试验研究, 土木工程学报,56(7): 55-68. (EI)

陆尧亮,姜健*,蔡文玉,陈伟,叶继红. (2023) 高温下(后)10.9级高强螺栓蠕变性能研究, 建筑结构学报,44(6): 222-234. (EI)

陈桥,姜健*,蔡文玉,陈伟,叶继红. (2023) 基于SMCS模型的高强螺栓及节点火灾全过程断裂性能模拟,工程力学.(网络首发)(EI)

张其杰,姜健*,蔡文玉,杨卫明,陈伟,叶继红. (2023) 高应力三轴度下Q355钢火灾全过程断裂性能试验研究, 工程力学.(网络首发)(EI)

Y.L. Lu, J. Jiang*, Q. Chen, W.Y. Cai, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2022) Fracture behavior of Grade 10.9 high-strength bolts and T-stub connections in fire, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 199: 107618. (SCI)

Y.L. Lu, J. Jiang*, W.Y. Cai, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2022) Creep behavior of Grade 10.9 high-strength bolts under and after fire. Construction and Building Materials, 351: 128858. (SCI)

Y. Du, H.H. Qi, J. Jiang* and J.Y. Richard Liew. (2022) Experimental study on the dynamic behaviour of expanded-shale lightweight concrete at high strain rate. Materials and Structures, 55:4. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-021-01846-z. (SCI)

J. Jiang*, H.H. Qi, Y.L. Lu, G.Q. Li, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2022) A State-of-the-art Review on Tensile Membrane Action in Reinforced Concrete Floors Exposed to Fire. Journal of Building Engineering, 45:103502. (SCI)

姜健, 吕大刚, 陆新征, 李国强, 叶继红. (2022) 建筑结构抗连续性倒塌研究进展与发展趋势. 建筑结构学报,43(1):1-28. (EI)

姜健,曹逸凡,张其杰,吕大刚,陆新征,李国强, 叶继红. (2022) 建筑结构鲁棒性定量判定方法的研究进展. 建筑钢结构进展,(2)1-21.

G.Q. Li, J.Z. Zhang, L.L. Li, B.H. Jiang, T.C. Yang and J. Jiang*. (2021) Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Framed Buildings under Extreme Events. Advanced Steel Construction, 17(3): 318-330. (SCI)

J. Jiang, Y.L. Lu, X. Dai*, G.Q. Li, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2021) Disproportionate Collapse of Steel-framed Gravity Buildings under Travelling Fires. Engineering Structures, 245:112799. (SCI)

Y. Du, H.H. Qi, J. Jiang*, J.Y. Richard Liew and S. Li. (2021) Thermo-mechanical behaviour of ultra-high strength concrete encased steel columns in standard fires. Engineering Structures, 231:111757. (SCI)

Y.Z. Wang, T.G. Xu, Z.Q. Liu, G.Q. Li and J. Jiang*. (2021) Seismic Behavior of Steel Reinforced Concrete Cross-Shaped Columns after Exposure to High Temperatures. Engineering Structures, 230, 111723. (SCI)

Y.Z. Wang, X. Wang, G.Q. Li, J. Jiang* and T.G. Xue. (2021) Residual Strength of L-shaped Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns after Exposure to High Temperatures. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s12205-021-0658-9. (SCI)

J. Jiang, W.Y. Cai*, W. Chen, J.H. Ye and G.Q. Li. (2021) An Insight into Eurocode 4 Design Rules for Thermal Behaviour of Composite Slabs. Fire Safety Journal, 103084. (SCI)

姜健, 陆尧亮, 李国强, 陈伟, 叶继红. (2021) 火灾全过程中高层钢框架结构抗连续性倒塌性能及控制措施. 建筑结构学报, 42(1):174-185. (EI)

Y. Du, H.H. Qi, J. Jiang*, J.Y. Richard Liew and G.Q. Li. (2020) Mechanical Properties of 1670MPa Parallel Wire Strands at Elevated Temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 263: 120582. (SCI)

J. Jiang, W.Y. Cai*, G.Q. Li, W. Chen and J.H. Ye. (2020) Progressive Collapse of steel-framed gravity buildings under Parametric Fires. Steel and Composite Structures, 36(4): 383-398. (SCI)

W.Y. Cai, J. Jiang* and G.Q. Li. (2020) Analysis and simulation on fracture of structural steel at elevated temperatures based on extended finite element method. Fire Safety Journal, 103022. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, J.R. Miao, L.X. Song, W.Y. Cai and J. Jiang*. (2020) Investigation on Postfire Residual Capacity of High-Strength Steel Columns with Axial Restraint. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(9): 04020182. (SCI)

J. Jiang, J. Main, J. Weigand and F. Sadek*. (2020) Reduced-order modeling of composite floor slabs in fire. I: Heat transfer analysis. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(6): 04020080. (SCI)

J. Jiang, J. Main, J. Weigand and F. Sadek*. (2020) Reduced-order modeling of composite floor slabs in fire. II: Thermal-structural analysis. Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(6): 04020081. (SCI)

Y.W. Li, G.Q. Li, F.F. Sun and J. Jiang*. (2019) Mitigating Inter-story Drift Concentration of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Using Energy-Dissipative Columns. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2019.1682088. (SCI)

J. Jiang, A. Pintar, J. M. Weigand, J. A. Main, and F. Sadek (2019) Improved Calculation Method for Insulation-based Fire Resistance of Composite Slabs. Fire Safety Journal, 105: 144-153 (SCI).

J. Jiang and G.Q. Li*. (2019) Mitigation of Fire-induced Disproportionate Collapse of Steel Framed Structures Using Bracing Systems. Advanced Steel Construction, 15(2): 192-202. (SCI)

姜健, 蔡文玉, 陈伟, 叶继红, 李国强. (2019) 基于分条壳单元模拟带压型钢板组合楼板抗火性能. 建筑结构学报, 40(1): 214-223. (EI)

J. Jiang, C.H. Wang, G.B. Lou, et al. (2018) Quantitative Evaluation of Progressive Collapse Process of Steel Framed Structures Exposed to Fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 50: 277-287. (SCI)

J. Jiang and G.Q. Li*. (2018) Parameters Affecting Tensile Membrane Action of Reinforced Concrete Floors subjected to Elevated Temperatures. Fire Safety Journal, 96: 59-73. (SCI)

Z.X. Hou, C. Gong, Y.Z. Sun, J. Jiang*, et al. (2018) Seismic behavior of bolted connections with slot bolt holes at ambient and elevated temperature. Advanced Steel Construction, 14(4): 651-667. (SCI)

J. Jiang, J. Main, J. Weigand and F. Sadek*. (2018) Thermal performance of composite slabs with profiled steel decking exposed to fire effects. Fire Safety Journal, 95: 25-41. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, T.C. Yang, J. Jiang*, Y. Lu and S.W. Chen. (2017) Effects of Blast-induced Column Failure Pattern on Collapse Behavior of Steel Frames. Advanced Steel Construction, 14(3): 376-390. (SCI)

J. Jiang and G.Q. Li*. (2017) Disproportional Collapse of 3D Steel-framed Structures Exposed to Various Compartment Fires. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138: 594-607. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, M.D. Pang, F.F. Sun, J. Jiang* and D.Z. Hu. (2017) Seismic behavior of coupled shear wall structures with various concrete and steel coupling beams. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. doi.org/10.1002/tal.1405. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, F.L. Gu, J. Jiang* and F.F. Sun. (2017) Cyclic Behavior of Steel Beam-Concrete Wall Connections with Embedded Steel Columns (I): Experimental Study. Steel & Composite Structures, 23(4): 399-408. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, F.L. Gu, J. Jiang* and F.F. Sun. (2017) Cyclic Behavior of Steel Beam-Concrete Wall Connections with Embedded Steel Columns (II): Theoretical Study. Steel & Composite Structures, 23(4): 409-420. (SCI)

J. Jiang and G.Q. Li. (2017) Progressive collapse analysis of 3D steel frames with concrete slabs exposed to localized fire. Engineering Structures. 149: 21-34. (SCI)

G.Q. Li, N.S. Zhang and J. Jiang *. (2017) Experimental investigation on thermal and mechanical behaviour of composite floors exposed to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 89: 63-76. (SCI)

姜健, 李国强. (2016) 支撑布置对火灾下钢框架结构抗连续性倒塌性能影响研究. 防灾减灾工程学报, 36(3): 394-398.

J. Jiang, A.S. Usmani, F. McKenna. (2015) OpenSees software architecture for the analysis of structures in fire. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(1): 47-65. (SCI)

J. Jiang, G.Q. Li and A.S. Usmani. (2015) Effect of bracing systems on the fire-induced progressive collapse of steel structures. Fire Technology, 51(5): 1249-1273. (SCI)

G.Q. Li,J. Jiang * and Q. Zhu. (2015) Local Buckling of Compression Flanges of H-beams with Corrugated Webs. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 112: 69-79. (SCI)

J. Jiang, G.Q. Li and A.S. Usmani. (2015) Analysis of Composite Steel-concrete Beams Exposed to Fire Using OpenSees. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, 6(1): 1-20. (EI)

J. Jiang, L.Z. Chen, S.C. Jiang, G.Q. Li, A.S. Usmani. (2015) Fire safety assessment of Super Tall Buildings: A Case Study on Shanghai Tower. Case Studies in Fire Safety, 4: 28-38.

姜健Asif Usmani,李国强. (2015) 基于OpenSees的火灾下钢结构连续性倒塌分析. 防灾减灾工程学报, 35(1): 1-5.

姜健,李国强. (2015) 结构抗连续性倒塌风险评估与设计-IStructE指南介绍. 建筑结构, 45(4): 33-40.

J. Jiang, G.Q. Li and A.S. Usmani. (2014) Progressive collapse mechanisms of steel frames exposed to fire. Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(3): 381-398. (SCI)

J. Jiang, A.S. Usmani and G.Q. Li. (2014) Modelling of steel-concrete composite structures in fire using OpenSees. Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(2): 249-264. (SCI)

姜健,李国强. (2014) 建筑钢结构抗连续性倒塌各国规范设计方法概述. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 15(6): 540-551.

J. Jiang and A.S. Usmani. (2013) Modelling of steel frame structures in fire using OpenSees. Computers & Structures, 118: 90-99. (SCI)

J. Jiang, G.Q. Li and Y. Lu. (2013) Vibration control of cables with damped flexible end restraint: theoretical model and experimental verification. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332(15): 3626-3645. (SCI)

姜健, 李国强. (2012) 拉索端部弹性约束振动控制. 振动、测试与诊断, 31(1): 120-124. (EI)

姜健, 李国强, 郝坤超. (2010) 拉索端部弹性约束振动控制研究()理论模型. 地震工程与工程振动, 30(1): 118-125.

姜健, 李国强, 郝坤超. (2010) 拉索端部弹性约束振动控制研究()试验验证. 地震工程与工程振动, 30(2): 92-98.

姜健, 李国强, 郝坤超. (2009) 拉索平面内自由振动影响因素分析. 振动、测试与诊断, 29(3): 308-312. (EI)


李国强, 姜健, 蒋彬辉, 张惊宙, 杨涛春, 王开强, 李六连. 钢框架建筑结构抗连续性倒塌性能与分析. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2021.

J. Jiang, J.A. Main, F. Sadek and J. Weigand. Numerical modeling and analysis of heat transfer in composite slabs with profiled steel decking. NIST Technical Note 1958, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2017.

Jian Jiang and Asif Usmani.Nonlinear Thermomechanical Analysis of Structures Using OpenSees, Scholar’s Press, Deutschland, Germany, 2015.


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一种火灾环境下低损伤轻钢结构耐火组合楼盖, ZL 2020 1 0749157.X, 2021.05 (4/6)

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2023年,入选美国斯坦福大学发布的“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单” (World's Top 2% Scientists)








2014年,第6届结构灾害防护国际会议,最佳论文奖(Highly Commendable Paper Award);

