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发布时间:2022-09-19     点击数量:





出生日期: 1991.10.3 | 政治面貌: 中共党员



联系方式:131-6750-9875 | jinwei_fang_work@163.com



方金伟,男,助理研究员,博士学位,硕士生导师。1991年生,甘肃平凉人。先后在吉林大学、(保送至)中国石油大学(北京)攻读学士、博士学位,并在新加坡国立大学进行为期一年的博士联合培养。主要的研究兴趣涉及地球物理正反演,高性能并行计算,数字信号处理,以及机器学习在地球物理中的应用等。主持国家自然基金青年项目、江苏省青年基金、中央高校基本科研项目,中国矿业大学启航计划,人才引进启动经费和企业研发项目各一项,参与国家重点研发计划变革性技术关键科学问题重点专项、国家自然基金重点项目等4项科研项目的研发。以第一或通讯作者发表期刊SCI论文10篇,参与发表SCI论文9篇,受邀参加国际会议并发表会议论文数篇;授权申请发明专利5项,软著2项;担任《Geophysics》、《Computers and Geoscience》和《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》等期刊的审稿人。


2019. 8 2020. 8 新加坡国立大学,工程学院,联合培养博士,导师:李云月

2015. 9 2020. 9 中国石油大学(北京),地球物理学院,地质资源与地质工程专业,硕博连读,导师:周辉

2011. 9 2015. 6 吉林大学,地球探测科学与技术学院,地球物理学理科专业(李四光试验班),本科,班主任:黄大年


2020. 12 至今 中国矿业大学,深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,助理研究员



[1] 时空高阶有限差分模拟的三维弹性全波形反演,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2021-01-01~2022-12-306.0万元,主持;

[2] 第十三批“启航计划”培养,中国矿业大学人力资源部,2021-01-01~2022-12-306.0 万元,主持;

[3] 中国矿业大学人才引进资助项目(A类博士),中国矿业大学人力资源部,2020-01-01~2022-12-3015.0万元,主持;

[4] 煤田深部复杂构造条件下的三维高效弹性波全波形反演,江苏省青年基金项目,2021-07-01~2024-06-3020.0万元,主持;

[5] 神经网络驱动的物理约束多参数全波形反演方法研究,国家自然基金青年科学项目,2022-01-01~2024-12-3124.0万元,主持;

[6] 3D全波形反演算法技术研究,华为技术有限公司,2022-06-06~2024-06-21,主持;


[1] 2019-2023,“高分辨率地震实时成像理论与技术”课题“多信息相容约束高效全波形反演方法研究”(2018YFA0702502),国家重点研发计划变革性技术关键科学问题重点专项,国家级,528万元,参与,8/22(课题主持人:周辉)

[2] 2017-2021,变分数阶拉普拉斯算子粘滞声波方程正演、逆时偏移和全波形反演研究(41630314),国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家级,300万元,参与,10/15(项目主持人:周辉)

[3] 2016-2018,深层与非常规物探新方法新技术项目之课题二弹性波全波形反演与深度域成像技术子课题弹性波全波形反演方法研究(中石油“十三五”前三年新方法新技术研究,2016A-3302),省部级,122.55万,参与,3/7(项目主持人:周辉)

[4] 弹性波高斯束偏移技术研究子课题 弹性波全波形反演适应性提升及精度优化研究(中石油“十三五”后两年新方法新技术研究,2019A-3309),省部级(横向课题),30.9万元,2019-2020,参与,3/5(项目主持人:周辉)



1.方金伟,王勃,刘盛东,章俊,黄兰英, &王一凡,2022,回采工作面复杂陷落柱全波形反演及应用,中国矿业大学学报,已录用。

2. Fang J., Shi Y., Zhou H., Chen H., Zhang Q., & Wang N., 2022, A High-Precision Elastic Reverse-Time Migration for Complex Geologic Structure Imaging in Applied Geophysics: Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3542.

3. Fang J., Zhou H., Zhang J., Zhang Q., Liu S., & Wang B., 2022, 3D elastic multisource full waveform inversion on distributed GPU clusters: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 199, 104595.

4. Fang J., Chen H., Hui Zhou, Zhang Q., and Wang L., 2021, Three-dimensional elastic full-waveform inversion using temporal fourth-order finite-difference approximation: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1109 /LGRS.2021.3125310.

5. Fang J., Zhang L., Zhou H., Liu S., Wang B., and Chen W., 2022, Seismic random noise attenuation using multi-scale sparse dictionary learning. Journal of seismic exploration.

6. 杨育臣, 方金伟*, 王宁, &李松龄, 2021, 复波场的实部和虚部对同时源波形反演的影响. 地球物理学报, 64(10), 3718-3729.

7. Fang J., Zhou H., Li Y., Zhang Q., Wang L., Sun P., Zhang J., 2020, Data-driven low-frequency signal recovery using deep learning predictions in full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 85(6), A37-A43.

8. Fang J., Chen H., Zhou H., Rao Y., Sun P., Zhang J., 2020, Elastic full-waveform inversion based on GPU accelerated temporal fourth-order finite-difference approximation: Computers & Geosciences, 135, 104381.

9. Fang J., Zhou H., Zhang Q., Chen H., Sun P., Zhang J., Zhang L., 2020, The effects of elastic data on acoustic and elastic full waveform inversion: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 172, 103876.

10. Fang J., Zhou H., Chen H., Wang N., Wang Y., Sun P., Zhang J., 2019, Source-independent elastic least-squares reverse time migration: Geophysics, vol. 84, no. 1, S1-S16.

11. Fang J., Zhou H., Zhang Q., Chen H., Wang N., Sun P., Wang S., 2018, Effect of surface-related Rayleigh and multiple waves on velocity reconstruction with time-domain elastic FWI: Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 148, 33-43.

12. Fang, J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Liu, S., Wang, B., & Wang, N., 2021, Time-frequency-domain full-waveform inversion using a normalized source: SEG/AAPG/SEPM First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy. OnePetro, 2021.

13. Fang J., Zhou H., Zhang Q., Chen H., Zhou Z., Sun P., Zhang J., 2019, 3D elastic full waveform inversion using frequency selection strategy: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1580-1584.

14. Fang J., Zhou H., Chen H., Zhou Z., Zhang J., Guo Z., 2018, Source-independent elastic least-squares reverse time migration: 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Extended Abstract, Copenhagen, Denmark.

15. Shen H., Tian G., Tao C., Wang H., & Fang J., 2022, Multi-frequency data fusion via joint weighted deconvolution for resolution enhancement. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 104702.

16. Zhang Q., Mao W., Fang J., 2020, Crosstalk-free simultaneous-source full waveform inversion with normalized seismic data: Computers & Geosciences, 138, 104460.

17. Wang H., Zhang Q., Zhang G., Fang J., Chen Y., 2020, Self-training and learning the waveform features of microseismic data using an adaptive dictionary: Geophysics, 85, no. 3, 1-61.

18. Zhang L., Han L., Chang A., Fang J., Zhang P., Hu Y., Liu Z., 2020, Seismic data denoising using double sparsity dictionary and alternating direction method of multipliers: Journal of seismic exploration, vol. 29, no. 1, 49-71.

19. Zhang Q., Mao W., Fang J., 2019, Elastic full waveform inversion with source-independent crosstalk-free source-encoding algorithm: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 58, no. 4, 2915-2927.

20. Wang L., Zhou H., Wang Y., Yu B., Fang J., 2019, Adaptive seismic single-channel deconvolution via convolutional sparse coding model: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 17, no. 8, 1415-1419.

21. Wang N., Zhou H., Chen H., Wang Y., Fang J., Sun P., Zhang J., Tian Y., 2019, An optimized parallelized SGFD modeling scheme for 3D seismic wave propagation: Computers and Geosciences, vol. 13, 102-111.

22. Zhang L., Han L., Fang J., Zhang P., Liu Z., 2019, Seismic data denoising via double sparsity dictionary and fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm: Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, vol. 62, no. 7, 2671-2683.

23. Wang N., Zhou H., Chen H., Xia M., Wang S., Fang J., Sun P., 2017, A constant fractional-order viscoelastic wave equation and its numerical simulation scheme: Geophysics, vol. 83, no.1, T39-T48.

24. Wei,Y., Li Y. E., Yang J., Zong J., Fang J., & Fu H., 2020, October. Multi-task learning based P/S wave separation and reverse time migration for VSP. In SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting. OnePetro.

25. Saini, A., Fan, Z., & Fang, J., 2019, Enhanced characterisation of branched surface breaking cracks using multi-mode reverse time migration (MMRTM) method. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation.

26. Zhang Q., Zhou Z., Zhou H., Fang J., Zhao X., Gu Z., An Y., 2018, Application of no crosstalk frequency-encoded multisource full waveform inversion to marine streamer data: 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Extended Abstract, Copenhagen, Denmark.

27. Wang N., Zhou H., Chen H., Wang Y., Zhao X., Fang J., 2018, High-order time accuracy fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic simulation scheme using nonstandard pseudo spectral method: In 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition.

28. Wang S., Xia M., Zhou H., Wang N., Fang J., 2017, Viscoacoustic wave simulation by lattice Boltzmann method and the relationship between relaxation factor and the quality factor: In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 4102-4106.

29. Bai H., Fang J., Zhang F., Sun X., 2017, A parallel adaptive circumference method with OpenMP: In Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 748-755, Springer, Singapore.

30. 方金伟, 白洪涛, & 孙惠敏, 2015, 基于 OpenMP 的一阶声波方程波场并行算法. 物探化探计算技术, 37(5), 622-627.


[1] 一种数据阻尼全波形反演方法、装置和计算机设备,发明人:周辉,方金伟,陈汉明,专利号:ZL202110324106.7,中国,2021.

[2] 一种使用归一化震源的时频域全波形反演方法及装置,发明人:方金伟,刘盛东,张庆臣,王勃,章俊,王宁,专利号:ZL202110489964.7,中国,2021.

[3] 一种振幅、相位信息可调节的全波形反演方法及装置,发明人:方金伟,刘盛东,张庆臣,王勃,章俊,专利号:ZL202110489838.1,中国,2021.

[4] 一种适用于煤层底板复杂陷落柱的全波形反演方法,发明人:方金伟,王勃,刘盛东,章俊,王一帆,孙华超,丁昕,专利号:ZL202110650586.6,中国,2022.

[5] 一种多尺度字典学习稀疏去噪方法,发明人:方金伟,石颖,刘盛东,王勃,王宁,专利号:ZL202110505304.3,中国,2022.
